Saturday, April 10, 2010

Der Frühling ist da ( Spring is Here ) !

            It is  spring time. Our sorroundings beautify with spring plants with blooms.Cherry blossom plants display their wonderful flowers. Flowers with different colors came out all around the vicinity. The apples trees in the backyard started to show their leaves. The bees are buzzing everywhere and sipping nectars from the flowers.
            And look at this picture! This is the nearest castle( Schloss) to our house. This is the Poppelsdorfer Schloss. This belongs to the university here in Bonn. During spring time, the castle shows again its real beauty with these big green Chestnuts trees on the pathways. The lawn is so nice with these well trimmed lawn grass. People love to visit and stay in the benches under the trees again. Some students are taking their rest time here to review and study their lessons. Mothers love to stroll with their babies here. Old and young people come to sit and relax around the castle. And every corner you can hear the birds singing on the trees, the bees buzzing around the flowers, and you can smell the fragrance of the flowers all around. This place is worth visiting if you want to forget  your problems, worries and anxieties. Indeed,  it is very relaxing to walk around this castle and stay for the moment. 

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