Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring flowers

When I used my camera the first time, I thought it is a bad quality. Most of my shots during that time were blurred and not so good.But I was surprised when I downloaded these pictures . I found out that my camera is as good as what the professional photographers  are using.  My teacher in photography congratulated when he saw these pictures. He said that is not the camera that makes the picture bad or beautiful but its the person who took the pictures - as long as he/she knows the different features or programs of the camera. Yeah, he is true, because at first I just took pictures and I didn´t mind about the subject. I used my camera as long as I have the flash. Then I studied my camera and learned about its programs. I read the manual and tried the different programs and different effects. Now, I am greatful that  I got these pictures. And see the results: my pictures getting better. In addition to that, my subject is really nice; my environment,  isn´t it?

1 comment:

  1. Jetzt werde ich auch noch gezwungen, hier einen Command zu schreiben. Josy steht in meinem Rücken und zwingt mich etwas Nettes zu schreiben ;-)


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