Tuesday, February 23, 2016

New crocheted blouse and hat for summer

Look what I made these past days! I made two crocheted blouse and a beautiful hat for summer. I made  one blouse for me and one for my sister. Crocheting make addiction. Once I hold my hook, there is no more break. Look how beautiful  they are! So fullfilling. For crocheters, I will post the pattern of the blouse and the hat soon.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Bonn, Germany a nice city.

University of Bonn

Kennedy bridge

Münsterplatz Church
House of Beethoven
Beethoven  Statue at Münsterplatz
Villa Hammerschmidt Front
Villa Hammerschmidt  view from the other side of the Rheinriver
Some beautiful birdsview of my home now, the beautiful city of Bonn. Bonn was the capital of West Germany during the division of Germany after the world war II. Once, this city accomodated and home of different Ambassadors , diplomats and their families of many countries during its capitalhood.There are still many buildings , offices and structures as symbol of the Republic of Germany . After the fall of the Berliner wall, the two countries decided to unite again as one,  the capital city become Berlin . Most of the government offices as well as Embassies transfered to Berlin. But still Bonn is one of the tourist spots in the Republic.

Learning Deutsch or German

As I clean  my room, I saw some papers where I wrote some German sentences and expressions for the preparation of my Deutschkurs or German language test level B1. I want to share some of German words, expressions or maybe these are Idioms that the Germans commonly used in their everyday life. Some are really funny because the meaning is not what the word means.   Here are some and their meaning in English.
  1.  Das ist Bescheuert- Thats ridiculous, that's sucks. 
  2. Na? So? -How you're doing?
  3.  Das ist mir  Wurst -( That's sausage for me)- What do I care, I don't care .
  4.  Ich besorge das Bier( I take care of the beer) -I'll get that beer.
  5.  Kein Schwein da- ( No pig there) Nobody  was there
  6. Kein Schwein hat mir geholfen ( No pig had helped me)- noone helped me .
  7.  Eine Schweinearbeit ( a pig's job)- a tough job. 
  8. Schwein haben( have a pig)- to be lucky . 
  9. Der spinnt (the spider)- he is nuts. 
  10. Das kannst du deiner Oma( grandma) erzählen( you can tell that to your grandma)- unbelievable. 
  11. Langsam langsam(slowly, slowly)- little by little . 
  12. Ich habe  die Nase(nose) voll davon( My nose is full from that)- I'm sick of it. 
  13. Toi, toi, toi- goodluck. 
  14. Weichei( soft egg)- someone who is weak and coward.
  15. Fernweh(  far pain) -feeling of wanting to be somewhere else. Antonym of homesick

These are just some German words which are complicated and confusing but it is fun knowing the true meaning. Learning German is hard but enjoyable for me.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Carnival celebration. ..

Alaaf, alaaf

Carnival celebration is one of the biggest celebration in Nordrhein Westfalen Region in Germany. This year only some cities celebrated the most awaited Rosenmontagzug or parade because of storm. Bonn and Köln push through the parade despite the storm. Luckily, there is only a little bit shower and a wind during the day. Then come the sun guiding the participants of the parade and of course the audience. One of the most awaited part of the parade is the throwing of Kamelle or candies, Haribo gummibear, chocolates and more to the audience. In order to receive Kamelle one must shout Kamelle and alaaf. People wear different costume during this carnival celebration to become Jecke.Alaaf ..                         .

Saturday, February 6, 2016

New crochet projects for the week for my friend

These two crochet are for my friend Corazon. One Sunday afternoon in summer I wore my brown crocheted bolero and she admired it. I promised her to make one for her. So this ìs it,  I finally made it and I made a poncho  for her also. Hopefully we will meet on Sunday at the mass and give to her these two crocheted projects.  I hope she will like them. You too, can make your own.

Monday, February 1, 2016

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