- Das ist Bescheuert- Thats ridiculous, that's sucks.
- Na? So? -How you're doing?
- Das ist mir Wurst -( That's sausage for me)- What do I care, I don't care .
- Ich besorge das Bier( I take care of the beer) -I'll get that beer.
- Kein Schwein da- ( No pig there) Nobody was there
- Kein Schwein hat mir geholfen ( No pig had helped me)- noone helped me .
- Eine Schweinearbeit ( a pig's job)- a tough job.
- Schwein haben( have a pig)- to be lucky .
- Der spinnt (the spider)- he is nuts.
- Das kannst du deiner Oma( grandma) erzählen( you can tell that to your grandma)- unbelievable.
- Langsam langsam(slowly, slowly)- little by little .
- Ich habe die Nase(nose) voll davon( My nose is full from that)- I'm sick of it.
- Toi, toi, toi- goodluck.
- Weichei( soft egg)- someone who is weak and coward.
- Fernweh( far pain) -feeling of wanting to be somewhere else. Antonym of homesick
These are just some German words which are complicated and confusing but it is fun knowing the true meaning. Learning German is hard but enjoyable for me.
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